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Safer with rich data insights

Safety Region The Hague

An introduction to ...
The Haaglanden Safety Region is one of the 25 safety regions in the Netherlands and, with more than 1100 employees, arranges day-to-day fire services, medical assistance and the 112 emergency room. The security region also carries out tasks in the field of disaster management, crisis management and risk management. All this has only one goal: a (fire) safe region of Haaglanden.

Good cooperation between emergency services, governments, companies and citizens is important for the safety region. This requires insight into what exactly is going on: in data. Eric van der Laan, senior information manager at the Safety Region Haaglanden: “We started our efforts in the field of Business Intelligence around 2015. There was an increasing demand for analyses from the various departments. In order to prevent everyone from looking for their own tools, we decided to tackle this for the safety region as a whole.”

Qlik Sense® excelled in user-friendliness. During the selection process, the safety region looked at 3 different tools: Qlik Sense, Cognos and Tableau.

Eric van der Laan:
“Qlik Sense excelled in terms of usability and the look & feel of the dashboards. We decided to start small with Qlik Sense, creating one dashboard to see if the user experience would be as good as we thought in practice. This was successful, after which Qlik Sense became our preferred tool for data visualizations, reporting and analytics.”

The Haaglanden security region is becoming safer with rich insights into data

"Our goal? Providing proactive management information that is used to make the Haaglanden region even safer. "

- Tamara Muskiet, Information Manager Security Region Haaglanden

case study

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Download the full case to read more about how Veiligheidsregio Haaglanden becomes safer with rich data insights through the use of Qlik Sense.

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