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AutoML for Qlik Cloud

Qlik Cloud

Qlik is further expanding their Qlik Cloud Platform. Recently, Qlik AutoML has also been made available for Qlik Cloud

Auto ML for analytic- and BI-teams

AutoML from Qlik is now available for Qlik Cloud. Qlik AutoML is an automated machine learning tool for analytics or BI teams. With the simple code-free interface, you can easily create machine learning experiments to generate models and make predictions.

With AutoML quickly connect your data, identify key factors to generate ML models and refine them. Make predictions for the future with fully explainable data.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a sort of artificial intelligence and data science that focuses on recognizing patterns in historical data to predict future outcomes. Algorithms are trained on the data to build a predictive model without being explicitly programmed to do so. An ML model can help you answer important questions.


Get informed

Do you want to know more about Qlik AutoML or Qlik Cloud? Please contact our specialist. We are happy to inform you.

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