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Alerting & Action

Analytics Services

Do you want to receive a real-time warning from your BI environment on the components that are important to you without having to open a dashboard? Then Qlik Alerting is the solution for you.

Qlik Alerting is unique!

Qlik Alerting allows you to set up advanced data-driven alerts (alerts) directly from your Qlik Sense application.

In other solutions, only simple notifications based on visualized KPIs (key performance indicators) are possible. With Qlik Alerting you can do much more. Qlik Alerting uses Qlik's unique Associative Engine. This also allows you to set context-aware warnings about all your data. This way you will always be warned in time when action needs to be taken. Qlik Alerting provides alert capabilities based on advanced calculations and trends, comparisons and percentage changes, nested logic, and dimension capability analysis.

Qlik Alerting

Individual vs. central alerts

Qlik Alerting offers you the possibility to set up alerts yourself (self-service). If you prefer to organize it at a central level, that is also possible. You will receive all set alerts via email and in a special mobile app. For further analysis in response to these warnings, you will then be taken directly to the appropriate dashboards and analyses. The correct selections have already been applied. Everything focused on the right follow-up and action. Qlik Alerting can soon be integrated with workflow and RPA (Robot Process Automation) solutions via APIs. This can speed up actions in response to alerts.

Qlik Alerting configuration

Qlik Alerting delivers alerts to you and your colleagues based on the data in Qlik Sense. The solution consists of:

  • A server
  • A centralised application
  • A Qlik Sense user interface for self-service alarms

Let us inform you

Do you want to know more about Qlik Application Automation? Please contact our specialist. We are happy to inform you.

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