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Data Transformation

Qlik Cloud Data Integration

Quickly convert raw transaction data into consumable data using automatically generated push-down SQL. Our no-code interface helps you create reusable transformation pipelines that intelligently conform data to dimensional models or custom formats.

Qlik Data Transformation

Quickly convert raw transaction data into consumable data through automatically generated push-down SQL. Our no-code interface helps you create reusable transformation pipelines that intelligently conform data to dimensional models or custom formats.

  • Simple transformations - Use the no-code interface to add rule-based transformation rules, such as column renaming, data filtering and standardization.
  • Advanced transformations - Use the data modeling interface to automatically generate star schema data marts in the target data warehouse.
  • Custom SQL - Add your own SQL to the pipeline when custom transformations are needed.

Discover the power of Qlik Compose (Qlik Data Transformation): Data transformation and Data warehousing, Simplified.

Welcome to the world of Qlik Compose, where data transformation and data warehousing seamlessly come together. Qlik Compose, formerly known as Attunity Compose, is designed to help your organization optimize data integration and deliver valuable insights. Our advanced software enables you to address your Big Data challenges and make efficient use of your data for better decision-making.

Main features of Qlik Compose:

  1. Automated Data Warehousing: Qlik Compose automates the design, implementation, and management of your data warehouse, saving you time and resources required for manual processes. With our user-friendly interface, you can quickly and easily create, customize, and expand data models.
  2. Real-time Data Integration: Qlik Compose offers real-time data integration, giving you always access to the most up-to-date and relevant data. By integrating and transforming data in real-time, you can make faster and more accurate decisions based on current information.
  3. Scalable and Flexible Architecture: Qlik Compose is designed with scalability and flexibility in mind. It seamlessly adapts to changing business needs and data volumes. Whether you work with a small, medium, or large company, Qlik Compose can be easily implemented and customized to meet your specific requirements.
  4. Support for Multiple Data Sources and Platforms: Qlik Compose supports a wide range of data sources and platforms, including traditional relational databases, cloud-based storage, and Hadoop-based systems. This broad compatibility ensures seamless integration and collaboration between different data sources.
  5. Advanced Security and Compliance: Qlik Compose takes data security and regulatory compliance seriously. Our solution provides comprehensive security features to ensure your data remains protected and in compliance with industry standards at all times.

Discover how companies like yours are benefiting from the power of Qlik Compose. Read our customer cases and find out how organizations have streamlined and improved their data warehousing and data transformation processes.

Are you ready to harness the power of Qlik Compose and take your organization to new heights of data analysis and decision-making? Contact us today to discover how Qlik Compose can help you.


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