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Data Warehouse Automation

Data Services

Automate the design and generation of ETL code, as well as continuous updates - using best practices. This reduces time, costs and risks to create a complete and flexible cloud data warehouse.

Automate the lifecycle of your data warehouse

Qlik Data Integration automates the entire lifecycle of the data warehouse. This ensures that your data is available even faster and ready for analysis. Data engineers have the flexibility to create a data model, add new sources, and set up new data streams. Data warehouse automation (DWA) guarantees success at every step of the pipeline, from data modeling and real-time ingestion to data streams and governance.

Data warehouse Automation
Voordeel 1 Data warehouse automation

Real-time Data Recording

A simple and universal solution for continuously recording business data in popular data warehouses in real time.

Voordeel 2 Data warehouse automation

Automated and continuously refined

A model-driven approach for quickly designing, building, and managing uniquely developed data warehouses on-site or in the cloud.

Voordeel 3 Data warehouse automation

Reliable, enterprise-ready data

Create a smart enterprise-level data catalog for all your derived datasets and models, and securely share them with business users.

Qlik Replicate®

Real-time data capture

Capturing change data provides a real-time backbone to accelerate data movement to your warehouse from various heterogeneous databases, data models, and business sources such as mainframe apps, files, or SAP. This allows you to benefit from:

  • Modifying data registration streams
  • Universal sources, targets, and platforms
  • Enterprise-wide monitoring and control

Qlik Compose®

Automated refinement

Qlik offers a modern approach to optimizing and functioning data warehouses. They automate the design of the warehouse, generate ETL code, and apply updates based on best practices. This reduces the time, costs, and risks involved in creating a flexible data warehouse.

  • Intelligent model-driven workflow
  • Automated ETL, field set, and datamart script generation
  • Change management and deployment rollout

Qlik Catalog™

Reliable, enterprise-ready data

Deliver a secure enterprise-level catalog for all data in your warehouse and throughout your entire organization, wherever they may be. Business users will have a single, go-to data marketplace to discover, understand, and utilize any corporate data source to gain insights.

  • Smart, integrated data catalog
  • Security and governance
  • Improves collaboration between IT and businesses

Let us inform you

Want to know more about Qlik Data Warehouse Automations, Qlik Catalog™, Qlik Compose® or Qlik Replicate®? Get in touch with our specialist. We will be happy to inform you.

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