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Embedded Analytics

Analytics Services

Bring the added value of analytics to every app, site, portal, or workflow with Qlik's Embedded Analytics. With a complete set of open APIs, you can embed analyses in operational apps and develop external applications. Place analyses at points where immediate action can be taken.

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Discover the added value of Embedded Analytics and deliver insights in places and at times when they matter most.

E-book Embedded Analytics
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Integrate your analytics

With Embedded Analytics from Qlik, you super easily integrate analytics capabilities and content into your own business applications, apps, websites or portals. This gives users easy and quick access to relevant data and insights in their daily workflows without having to switch between different tools or solutions. This makes it easier for organisations to provide employees, customers, suppliers and partners with the information they need, right where they work to answer questions, make better decisions and take faster action.

Embedded Analytics
Qlik external portals

External portals

Give customers, partners, colleagues and stakeholders secure insight into your analytics to further optimise processes, drive developments and new insights.

Qlik relevante tools

Relevant tools

Help collega's of medewerkers betere beslissingen te nemen door inzichten aan te bieden op de plek waar ze beslissingen nemen zoals ERP, CRM of HR applicaties of tijdens processen waar de dagelijkse focus ligt.

Qlik public websites

Public websites

Optimise the user experience of your website or mobile application with interactive analytics and data-driven insights. This will increase knowledge, interest and engagement.

Qlik's commercial software products

Commercial software products

Boost your sales and increase adoption with the best analytics, visualisations and dashboards that provide insights and add context that your customers are looking for.

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