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10 new Qlik Cloud features


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Qlik Cloud is developing at a rapid pace and Qlik regularly comes with updates. Our consultants, who work with Qlik Cloud on a daily basis, have made an overview of the most interesting updates of recent times.

Road map 2023

But before we look at what's new, let's first look ahead. In the coming year, Qlik will expand the Report service by making it possible to send Microsoft XLS formatted reports. APIs will then receive XLS report templates and produce the output of the reports. This is made possible by a so-called Add in O365 XLS.

In addition, it is planned to create HTML reports with the Report service of Qlik and the Qlik Application automation. A connector is also added in automations, making it easy to add visualizations when creating an HTML report. The functionality is also added to generate a report on demand by means of triggers on certain selections.

Below you will find an overview of the most relevant updates that Qlik has implemented in recent weeks.

Automatic token refresh for connectors

Some Qlik cloud connectors now automatically refresh the authentication token before it expires. Previously, authentication had to be manually refreshed every 2022 days when the token expired. Connections created before November XNUMX will need to be refreshed once to activate the auto-refresh feature. The following connectors support auto-refresh of tokens:

  • AzureStorage
  • Office 365 SharePoint
  • OneDrive
  • Azure Storage Metadata
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  • Office 365 SharePoint Metadata
  • Outlook 365

Diagram animations

Chart animations are the gradual transitions in a visualization from the old view to the new view after the data has changed, for example after a selection has been made. Animations can be turned on and off in the app settings.

Animations can be used in the following diagram types:

  • Bar charts
  • Pie charts
  • Scatter plots
  • Funnel charts
  • Grid charts
  • Sankey diagrams


GeoOperations now includes three analytical connections with necessary functions to generate GeoOperations scripts. This allows you to simplify geospatial calculations.

  1. Qlik GeoOperations. Load and transform your geographic data using various operations.
  2. Qlik GeoOperations GeoJSON. Load Geo JSON files into your app.
  3. Qlik GeoOperations Shapefile. Load shapefiles into your app.
The new design features are a very valuable addition to Qlik.
Stas van den Braber
Qlik Consultant

App assessment in Qlik Application Automation

This new template performs an assessment on a Qlik Sense app and returns various measurements about the app's performance.

Manage loading script history in the editor

A new panel has been added in the data load editor. This allows app developers to save and deploy different versions of the load script. This enables checking between different versions.

Custom tooltips for KPIs

It is now possible to add tooltips to KPI. Previously tooltips could not be added to objects without dimension.

Qlik Web Connectors available in Qlik Sense Enterprise Client Managed

The following Qlik Web Connectors are now available in Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows without the need to install Qlik Web Connectors separately:

  • Facebook Insights
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Search Console
  • Outlook 365
  • Mailbox IMAP
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM V2
  • OData, Qualtrics
  • SMTP
  • SurveyMonkey
  • YouTube Analytics

ODBC database connector performance improvement

ODBC data sources have improved performance when working with larger data sets. All new connections automatically use the Bulk Reader feature.

Instead of loading data row by row, Bulk Reader works with larger amounts of data in the iterations within a load. This can result in faster load times for larger data sets. To enable this feature in existing connections, open the connection properties window by selecting Edit and then clicking Save. No other connection properties need to be changed.

PowerPoint Output - Subscriptions and Report Service

Qlik Cloud reporting capabilities now support PowerPoint output for report building. Both subscription and Qlik Application Automation reports can be generated in PowerPoint. This means that reports can be edited after generation.

Spreadsheets can now have custom background images and colors, so your PowerPoint reports automatically get your brand. App developers now have more control over object placement and sheet grid size to support advanced formatting for presentations.


Be informed

Want to know more about Qlik and the latest updates? Contact our specialist. We will be happy to inform you.

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