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Create your own data adventure

In Qlik Cloud, as a user, you have the ability to customize the environment according to your preferences. You can transform your homepage into a unique and captivating place where you can experience your data adventures.

Collections and favourites

A quick route to your treasures! Create collections to group your favourite apps, dashboards and reports by topic, project or interest. This way, you can easily find the right information without getting lost in the data sea. And those favourites? They are like your secret recipes for success. Mark your most used visualisations and analyses with a simple click on the star icon. They will immediately appear on your homepage, ready to start your data discovery journey.

Notes, worksheets and visualisations

Remember those important notes you always forget? No longer do you have to hide them. Add text boxes and notes to your homepage to share important notes and instructions with your team or users. This way, everyone can enjoy your data magic and gain the same insights.

And how do you do this with worksheets and visualisations? Add a section to your homepage where you display the worksheets (sheets) you are currently working on or frequent. This allows you to quickly navigate to specific analyses without having to search through the entire app. You can also display individual visualisations directly on your homepage, even with different selections applied. This makes it very easy to keep track of that one KPI for multiple topics at once, without even opening an app.

Connected to the outside world

Link your analyses to external sources by easily adding links to other websites, reports or useful documentation. Stay connected to the outside world and gain access to valuable additional information. It's time to let your Qlik Cloud homepage shine. Forget those default settings and create your own unique data adventure. With a touch of personality, collections that keep you organised, favourites that get you started quickly, and stories that bring your data to life, your homepage will be the starting point of your data discovery journey.

Are you perhaps a born storyteller? Or do you just want to present your data as a compelling story? With the "storytelling" feature in Qlik Sense, you can seamlessly combine your analytics into an enchanting story.

Engage your audience and take them on an immersive data adventure.


Get started yourself?

Are you curious about how you can learn this yourself and want to know more about it? Then get in touch.

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