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Stronger with Qlik Sense

Fitwinkel gets access to all their intel with Qlik is the specialist in fitness equipment, fitness and martial arts equipment, sports nutrition, clothing and fitness accessories. The more than 50 employees are available online every day of the week for the customer and continuously immerse themselves in the latest trends and developments in the field of fitness. In addition, understands that customers want to test, compare and experience products, which is possible in the 6 franchise Fitwinkels spread throughout the Netherlands.

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Executive, Operations, Procurement, Marketing, Sales, Service & Support


Being able to visually view and track important KPIs such as conversions, order processing, stock and average order value in a simple way with the aim of creating an optimal customer journey and strengthening the competitive position.

Insight is crucial for e-commerce players

Dylan Wychgel, Business Intelligence Consultant at Victa: “To remain distinctive and to provide customers with optimal service, it is a condition for e-commerce players to always have insight into the most current information. This requires helicopter views; dashboards where information that is available is presented on various devices, including information pillars. These helicopter views must be able to be analyzed in great detail to make decisions that move the business forward. To achieve this, we often recommend Qlik® software. It allows organizations to quickly unlock data sources for visualizations, dashboards and apps that answer the most important business questions.”

We came to the conclusion that we had to take new steps to be able to process and analyze larger amounts of data.
Twan van Essen
E-commerce & franchise manager

Operating in an e-commerce niche

In the competitive e-commerce landscape, having insight makes a huge difference. Twan van Essen, e-commerce & franchise manager at “At Fitwinkel we make a fit, vital and healthy lifestyle accessible to everyone. Our core business lies in the home sports market, which is becoming more competitive by the day and requires more than an extensive range. It also requires advice and offering an excellent customer experience, which we do at, for example, by combining online with physical stores. Still, optimizing the customer journey, especially as we grew from 75,000 orders in 2019 to 170,000 orders in 2020, became increasingly difficult. We came to the conclusion that we had to take new steps to be able to process and analyze larger amounts of data.”

The first step was to map out wishes and requirements and to find a professional partner who would help the organization roll out the right BI solution. Twan van Essen: “We looked at some possible tools ourselves, such as Tableau, Power BI and Qlik, and we looked for a professional organization that could help us with this. We soon arrived at Victa, a well-known organization in our region and also the largest supplier of BI solutions in the Netherlands. We immediately clicked with this team and their offer suited our organization well.”


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