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New features in Qlik!


As developments in the Qlik field are moving fast, we like to keep you updated on all new developments regarding Qlik products. Read all about updates on the visuals and other functionalities of Qlik Cloud and Qlik Sense in this blog.

Qlik Cloud Analytics

Qlik continues to develop this SaaS variant of the well-known Qlik Sense. In recent months, a number of great features have been added and extended again;

  • With the Custom Tenant Homepage, you offer your users a better and more user-friendly experience in the Qlik Cloud platform. Based on collections of apps and visualisations, you fully customise the Homepage (HUB) to the needs of your users. This way, every user gets to see the same homepage and doesn't have to search for anything. The roles and rights of users are taken into account here, so people never get to see content they don't have access to. It is also still possible for users to create their own start page in addition to this tentant home.
  • PDF export is now possible from Excel reports. Also, reports can now be created based on published apps.
  • Support for SAML identity providers
  • New role for managing reloads in managed spaces.
  • A set of new connectors for the Google platform and social media.
  • Transparency option for background colours.

Qlik Sense Enterprise

The last release of Qlik Sense dates back to February. Nevertheless, this update is definitely worth a look, if only for the visual enhancements;

Layout Container

The layout container is now available in Qlik Sense Enterprise. Various visualisations can be placed in this container, with or without a grid. Graphs can overlap and be stacked. It is also possible to conditionally hide and show objects. All in all, a versatile object, well suited for grouping charts and building a 'dock' for your navigation or filters, for example.

Pivot tables

In the November 2023 release, we already saw a new table object with multiple features (found in the custom objects). A new pivot table with additional features has now been added to this;

  • Dimension headers
  • Own symbol for null values
  • Options for column widths
  • More sorting options
  • Extensive styling options for fonts, background colours, etc.

Styling options

Almost all visualisations now include the Styling panel, where you visually customise your object. For instance, it is possible to adjust colours and fonts of titles, axes or values, or add a background image. An edge and shadow option was also added in February. The filter panes have also received a styling upgrade. In them, you can now specify different colours for selection states yourself.
After styling the first object with all these options, you naturally want it to be implemented consistently. With the new option to copy and paste styles between objects, this is made very easy!

Window function

Finally, a script technical update has been made in this release, namely the ability to apply window functions. The Window and WRank functions make it possible to apply aggregations in the load script, without losing granularity. In other words; performing aggregations while loading, without grouping the data.

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