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Qlik updates 2024!

New year, new visuals

With the transition to 2024, Qlik has made an impressive series of updates to the Qlik Cloud Analytics platform. Especially in the Styling division, the capabilities have changed and improved significantly!

Styling options

For instance, the existing styling options (think fonts, colours, etc.) have been implemented in a number of extension objects such as the Grid, Funnel and Sankey charts, and since December there are more options when it comes to styling the filters. Objects where styling functionality was already present have also received an upgrade; namely, you can now work with borders and shadows around objects. This makes your objects stand out even more from the worksheet!

Tip: with borders in the same colour as the background, you can add 'padding' around your objects.

Upgrade in the pivot table

In addition, Qlik has decided to give the pivot table, or pivot table, an upgrade! The new pivot table, found in the Qlik Visualisation Bundle, has a more compact appearance than the standard pivot table where the field names of dimensions are listed above the relevant column. Column widths of both measurements and dimensions can be adjusted individually in an automatic mode, pixels or as a percentage, and dimension values are sorted so easily. As a bonus feature, it is now also possible to enter a custom null value. Those empty cells in your reporting are a thing of the past!

Pivot Table Qlik Cloud

Optimal visualisations with the revamped Layout Container

Surely the icing on the cake of all the visual updates is the new Layout Container. In this container object, it is possible to place objects next to, or even on top of each other. The container can be set with its own grid, or even gridless for reporting that is pixel perfect. The layout container's capabilities deserve a blog post of their own. For a small preview, click here.


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