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Tableau vs Qlik

Why Qlik is a good alternative

Tableau has been a popular choice for data analysis and visualization for many years. Since Tableau was recently acquired by Salesforce, we have been hearing more demand from the market for migration options to Qlik. This is partly due to the lack of updates and bug fixes for Tableau. In this article, we will discuss why switching from Tableau to Qlik Cloud is a good option.

Better data discovery opportunities

Qlik Cloud is designed with the philosophy that users are looking for insights rather than just data. Qlik makes it easy to discover and visualise data, and its intuitive interface makes it easy for users to navigate and analyse through large amounts of data.

Improved data integration

Qlik was already known for its powerful integration capabilities. Qlik Cloud takes this one step further. Qlik Cloud makes it even easier to integrate and analyse data from different sources. This means that with Qlik Cloud, users have access to more data, and can analyse and visualise this data better than in Tableau.

Tableau vs Qlik

Increased performance and scalability

Qlik is known for its outstanding performance, even with large amounts of data. Qlik Cloud is built on an in-memory architecture that enables fast processing and analysis of large amounts of data. This means Qlik Cloud is scalable and suitable for businesses of any size.

Powerful analysis features

Qlik Cloud provides powerful analysis features, such as associative modelling and augmented intelligence. These features make it easier to explore and analyse data, and allow users to delve deeper into the data to discover new insights.


While Tableau is a great tool for data analysis and visualisation, it is worth considering Qlik Cloud as an alternative. Qlik Cloud's powerful integration and analysis features, combined with its intuitive interface, make these tools ideal for discovering new insights and making data-driven decisions.



Are you curious about all the differences and possibilities between Tableau and Qlik? If so, please contact me without obligation. As an experience expert in the use of both tools, I will be happy to update you.

Robert Kleinsman
Business Consultant

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