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What do I need to do to apply data science in Qlik?

Data science in Qlik

Automation of inventory management is an important step to ensure efficiency and accuracy within an organization. In this blog, we describe a detailed step-by-step plan that focuses on data science and the use of Qlik as a tool. With the help of this approach, we can optimize the inventory management process and minimize operational costs.

Which steps are taken?

The following steps explain what integrating data science into Qlik means for your company and what the results of this are. This is applied in this example to inventory management in retail. If you're curious about what data science can mean for your company or industry, please contact us using the form below.

Step 1: Collect the data

It all starts with acquiring the correct data to support inventory management processes. Identify the relevant sources within your organization, such as sales data, product information, and supplier files. Ensure that you have to real-time and reliable data to conduct accurate analyses.

Step 2: Analyze the data

Now that you have the necessary data, it's time to analyze them. Use Qlik's powerful analysis capabilities to gain insights into trends, supply and demand situations, and seasonal patterns. With this, you can make informed decisions based on facts and figures.

Step 3: Predict the demand

Using data science models, you can predict the demand for your products. Use historical data and statistical models to identify trends and patterns. These predictions form basis for planning your inventory levels and avoiding over understocking.

Step 4: Optimizing inventory levels

With the help of the insights from step 3, you can optimize your inventory levels. Identify products with a high risk of surplus or shortages and adjust your ordering process accordingly. Qlik enables you to access your inventory data in real-time, allowing you to quickly respond to changing circumstances.

Step 5: Integration of suppliers

Efficient inventory management also requires good collaboration with your suppliers. Integrate your suppliers into the process by providing them access to relevant data and demand forecasts. This allows them to optimize their production and delivery processes according to your needs.

Solutions in data science

As stated in the action plan, data science can provide many benefits for your company. Firstly, data science emphasizes the importance of accurately keeping and collecting the correct data from various sources, enabling you to make decisions based on factual information.

Furthermore, by utilizing data science models, Victa can prevent over or under supply by aligning production and delivery processes. This can be implemented and visualized nicely in a tool like Qlik. As a result, you can minimize operational costs and positively impact business results.



At Victa, we are ready to assist you further in the field of data science. Do not hesitate to ask any questions and get in touch with us now! Please check the spelling and grammar of the new text.

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